5 Causes Of Neck Pain (And How To Address Them)

4 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Neck pain can be a debilitating experience that can significantly affect daily life. Whether you're suffering from a twinge or a chronic ache, if you're experiencing neck pain, it is time to figure out why. This blog will discuss the five causes of neck pain and how to address them. Whether it’s a minor injury or a more severe condition, this information will help you understand and address your neck pain. Read More 

Your Chiropractor May Use Flexion Distraction In These Cases

3 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Flexion distraction is a valuable form of treatment that many chiropractors use to help their patients. This treatment involves the patient lying on a special table that moves gently, which allows the chiropractor to put the patient's spine in different positions while applying pressure with their hands. If you have one or more health complaints when you visit your local clinic, there's a good chance that your chiropractor may decide to see how your body responds to flexion distraction. Read More 

Signs You Should Work With A Chiropractor

10 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

A chiropractor is a professional that deals with neuromuscular problems, such as neck and back pain. If these particular signs are present, then you should probably see this professional whenever you get the chance. Chronic Back Pain  Dealing with back pain can be stressful because not only does it hurt, but it can prevent you from doing a lot of things. If you have to deal with this pain every day, then this is a good reason to work with a licensed chiropractor. Read More 

Workplace Injury Treatment Physician: Pain Management And Mobility

4 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you've suffered a serious workplace injury pain management and the restoration of your mobility can be important steps on the road to recovery. When seeking pain management and mobility help for a workplace injury, it is important to have a clear plan and a healthcare provider to help you. Here are some steps you can follow when recovering from a workplace injury. Assessment The first step to treating a workplace injury is to assess the extent of the damage. Read More